Tuesday, October 14, 2008


How To Make Your Own Binds
Example Bind:

/bind wel =~[c9]~[j12]:lol Welcome to :bandit Hardwood :bandit


/bind ? =

Type /bind then space then what you want your

bind to stand for (the short version on bind) = then you make your bind.


Bind Plain in Black Color /bind Jag= Her Jag

Bind in Color /bind Jag=~[c12]~[j15]Her ~[c10]~[j0]Jag

Bind in Color Smileys Added /bind Jag=~[c12]~[j15]:-D Her :lol ~[c10]~[j0]Jag >-D

After your Bindis made, when you want to use it, you simply type /Jag

which is what you chose your bind to be named is your short version.

In your color format you must not forget the [ ~ ]

and the small [ c ] is for your Color and the [ ~ ] and the small [ j ] is for your Outline Color.

Example for multi colors:

Multi Rainbow Bind: H U G S /bind hug=~[cff66cc]H~[c9900cc]U~[cff9900]G~[c 0000ff]S

Hit enter to submit the bind.

To use you would type /hug and your "hugs" bind will appear.

You can Also make a fooms bind:


/bind hk=/kiss 2 && /joy o && /kiss 2

This will send two kisses to your partner and joy hearts to yourself!

Helpful Links:




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