Helpful Hints By My Friend Runt
How to Reset Your Hardwood Nic
Note the game before you play!
1. Either be in the lobby or in the room lists.
2. Go to Edit Profile by clicking on your name or on the Left Side of the Hardwood Frame is Profile.
3. Go to the Account Tab
4. Click Reset Rating.
Your rating now will be back to all 0's, or a Provie Nic. Reasons to reset your rating are up to you, most do it when they have more losses than wins. It's a choice only you can make, and once you do it, you can't undo it. So if you don't like your ranking, reset reset reset!
A lot of people will just sit at a table, without looking to see what game they are playing. After they bid, they then realize they made a grave error & possibly one that they won't be able to recover from. Always remember to check the table before you sit or bid. On the right side of the table is a Game Information tab. The games rules will be posted there. Whether it be in spades, hearts or euchre, all the information about your game can be found on that tab.
Changing Your Avatar
Quitting and Cheating
In the lobby, or at the table you can change what avatar you have, as well as the color scheme.
Right click on your name, avatar, then Edit Profile or click the Profile on the left of the lobby menu.
Select the character tab.
Under Portrait, find the character you want to use.
Then select Background, chose the one you want.
Then move to Colors.
Change your colors.
Then select ok.
You have a custom avatar now!
Every day in the wood lobbies we see it. "XXXXXX is a quitter!" or people being called out about cheating.
These things really have no business being said in the lobby. Not that they aren'timportant on some level. But they make for a testy lobby. Just because you think someone is a cheater, doesn't mean they are. And the fact that they quit is put in their web profile for all to see, plus their incomplete. So it's basically just silly to say in the lobby. What goes around comes around, so please respect the other lobby dwellers and don't throw these messages up when you are upset. Things tend to work out, and the person who quit/cheated probably doesn't care that you are saying this anyway.
Muting vs. Reporting
Guides and You
Everywhere you go you will come across people that you don't get along with. That is life. But Hardwood gives you a few options to deal with the problems that can arise.
1. Muting - If someone is pushing your buttons, the best thing you can do is mute them & finish the game.
2. Reporting - When you have a problem player, one that's cussing, being rude, or anything against the TOS, file a report. You most likely will not get a response back from Hardwood's Office, but your report has been looked into and taken care of as they see fit. The decisions made are generally final, so there is no need for discussion with a guide or anyone else.
Basically, if you can't solve a dispute. Please mute the person and move on. Most people will continue if they know it bothers you. Reporting is a 2nd, and just as effective solution when used with muting.
Guides in the wood come in all types. They are all there to help you as best as they can. If you have a problem, and need a guide, call one into the table or lobby.
If calling in lobby for a guide, please just say, "Can we have a guide here?" If there is a guide in the lobby they will come as quickly as theycan to help you.
If calling in Yahoo, MSN, AOL, make sure you give them as much information as you can. What Lobby, What Room # and some details about your problem. If you speak to more than one guide, and one responds to your call. Tell the others that you're being taken care of. That way you don't have 2 or more guides jump on the table.
Remember as well, just because YOU call in a guide, that doesn't mean that the issue will be resolved how you wanted it to be. Sometimes a 3rd party can see what you don't. So allow the guides to do their job, whatever the outcome may be. Arguing with them will not help you.
Hardwood Helpful Hints By Me
Hardwoods Opening Page "Options"
1. Graphic Options
Uses hard shadows for the 3D cards.May improve performance.
2. Audio Options
Music ~ Shuffle the playlist. If you want the playlist to be shuffled automatically, enable the random option.
Volume ~ If you are having trouble with the audio, changing the playback device may help.
3. Deck Options
Change your deck of cards for color and size.
4. Other Options
Fooms and various other options.
5. Replay Game
How to Replay Game
Hardwood Opening Page ---> Options ---> Replay Game ---> Click lobby game log (When highlighted you can see the Date, Time, Players and Score, so, if you can figure our which game it was) ---> Click on the game you want to view ---> click "Start"
The Default is set at 10 games saved, but you can change that to none, 10, 25, 50, 100, or ALL!
How to Find Your Game Logs
A log of each game is kept in the GameLogs Directory.
Select how many of these you wish to keep saved. You can choose to keep none,10, 25, 50,100 or ALL!
1. On Hardwood ---> Options ---> Replay ---> Game ---> Keep Game Logs
2. On Your C drive --->Start --->my computer --->Local Disk (c): Your c drive or your main drive ---> program files ---> hardwood spades (hw file) ---> Game Log
The default number saved is 10. This includes ones you visit too as a game. So, if you visit alot of games and still want to review your recent game, it is best to change your options to more then 10, as stated above. Partner games are on the top and singles are on the bottom. The First game on the sheet is the oldest game you played and the last of the games are the most recent game you played (bottom right corner).
To me the hardwood game log is nice when you want to replay the game for review. The c-drive game log is nice if you have fooms off, like I usually do, because it will show you everything in the hands and game play and fooms too. This is the nice feature if you have to form a complaint, you should have the game log number and facts with your complaint to back you up. This is the best feature for that.
To see the time and date just type in /time then hit enter in the chat line.
You will see this in the chat screen
Time: Sat Dec 24 02:19:10 2005
Keep in mind the time that is displayed is the time your computer is set to. It has nothing to do with Hardwood Time or Cases Time.
To make your name go to brown (sleep, inactive) you type /away.
Keep in mind SilverCreekEntertainment has made a change and after 10 minutes of inactivity you will be disconnected from their server.
To make a statement that shows in the lobby chat as HerJag says Hello All, you simply type /me says Hello All
You can type in anything after the /me that you want to say.
Well, almost anything, you know whats allowed in Hardwood and whats not.
Differnt Balloon Actions In The Room
If you right click on your talk balloon, you can choose Action, Thought, or Yell.
This will change your talk balloon.
How to REPLAY a Game that you neither WATCHED nor PLAYED in!
1. Obtain the "ENTIRE GAME LOG" from the Gamelog opened date to the signature. Place it on a "NOTEPAD" not wordpad.
GameLog opened Thursday September 21, 2006, 09:35:26 PM
# GameLogs are machine-readable, so some lines will look like nonsense.
# To view in game, choose Options then Replay from the Main Menu
GameLog closed Thursday September 21, 2006, 10:19:28 PM
Signature: 8E314858DF5EEA1F7870FDDDEECDE9D4
2. Go to "FILE" and "SAVE AS" What ever you want to label the file as.
3. Note before you hit "SAVE":
Up in the "SAVE IN"
Local Disk (C): ---> Program files ---> Hardwood Spades ---> Game Logs ---> Now name your file ---> NOW "SAVE"
4. Now you may go to Hardwood and the game log will be there for you to replay.
Hardwood Options ---> replay game ---> find the file name ---> start the game.
5. Do not interupt the game. If you pause, stop, or speed it up the chat will stop and just show you the cards. If you want to watch it without interuptions as if you was a watcher thru the entire game, to see the entire game and chat ---- DO NOT INTERUPT the game play.
Some Translators for those that may need it, since I speak no other language and have to use a translator for my friends sometimes.
After opening Hardwood Spades,
Press the F6 key or you can also
Click on "Help" and then "Unlock Spades"
Now put in your name exactly as it was given when you purchased your unlock key.
Help >>Unlock Spades or F6 >> Fill in Name and Key or click "Unlock" or "Forget"
1-888-Game Net (toll free)
Jonas Stewart
Lost Unlock Key Lookup:
After opening Hardwood Spades,
Press the F6 key or you can also
Click on "Help" and then "Unlock Spades"
Now put in your name exactly as it was given when you purchased your unlock key.
Help >>Unlock Spades or F6 >> Fill in Name and Key or click "Unlock" or "Forget"
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