Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hardwood offers 19 different colors for you to use in your binds and regular dialogue. In the picture below is what they look like in Hardwood.


0 = Black

1 = Dark Blue

2 = Green

3 = Teal

4 = Dark Red

5 = Purple

6 = Brown

7 = Grey

8 = Dark Grey

9 = Blue

10 = Bright Green

11 = Bright Blue

12 = Red

13 = Pink

14 = Yellow

15 = White

16 = Tan

17 = Light Yellow

18 = Orange

If you right click in the chat window (the place where you type) scroll to color and it will list 9 of these colors you can chose from. That is like a shortcut if you would rather not make your colors into Binds or type them every time.

How To Do Colors:

Each time you want to use a color you must type the following code:


The little c = the inside color

The little j = the outline color


~[c1]~[j15] Her Jag

~[c10]~[j0] Hardwood Spades

~[c7]~[j9] Best Site EVER !

or you can type the name of the color too like this:

~[cblack] \\~[cred]I~[cblack]//

~[cblack] (~[cblue]o~[cblack]-~[cblue]o~[cblack])


You can even do more than one color in a line.


~[c1]~[j15]Hardwood~[c10]~[j0] Spades is the ~[c7]~[j13] Best Site Ever!

This would produce the above example, but all in the same line!


You will notice when you type the ~[c?]~[j?] in Hardwood that it disappears. Don't worry, it's still there, it is just invisible so it doesn't show when you typewhat you want to say! When it disappears your following type will be the colors you put in!

You don't always have to use both ~[c?] and ~[j?]. They will work alone as well. If you use ~[c?] alone the outline will not show, but if you use ~[j?] alone, it will make the inside color black!

Hex Color Charts:

Hex color codes give you a broader range of color in Hardwood. You use them just as you would the standard Hardwood colors that you learned about above.

They are 6 digits, numbers and or letters. You insert them in your color code just as you would the Standards above.




Hex Color Chart Links:





Helpful Link:



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